Gerrard the story of the slip

It was a slip. The slip. But there was so much more to it. 
That touch on the turn. You know the one. You have dropped into centre-half, the ball comes square from left-back. You pivot 180 and get the slightest touch to set it up. More a caress than a trap. You move it right.
Its purpose? It takes one second rather than two. Keep the ball moving. Switch play. Stretch midfields. It happens 50 times in a game. Fifty-eight times in this particular game. Steven Gerrard does it in his sleep.
Tomas Kalas – remember him? It's his first half of Premier League football and he has just headed wide unmarked from a corner. Martin Tyler lets out that nervous yelp he reserves for late April. Kalas kicks the post in frustration. Warning sign.
Liverpool set up from the goal kick with Gerrard deep. That was Brendan Rodgers' way with the ball. Gerrard was the extra man in a three-man defence and the centre-halves would split. It worked.
Mamadou Sakho is left of Gerrard, Jon Flanagan pushed up. From midfield, Philippe Coutinho lays it to Sakho, immediately turning to add to the growing Liverpool options higher up the pitch. Joe Allen also pushes up.
Steven Gerrard is last man. No concerns there. One of the best passers in Premier League history, with a godly touch. Sakho knows. He lets Gerrard take over. Liverpool's main man.
He's not looking to knock this on harmlessly to Martin Skrtel, beside him at right centre-half. He's looking to jab it to Lucas Leiva, an island in Chelsea's half having dropped five yards to give Gerrard an angle. Lucas will take this and pump it forward. It's obvious Liverpool are committing. Thirty-five seconds until the whistle, they are allowed to.
Gerrard wants to get this done quickly. It's 0-0 in first-half stoppage time in the biggest game of the season and Liverpool have been flat. You see most of the ball at centre-half, after all.
Liverpool's aim is to get into half-time ahead. It's their way. The first-half blitz was their trademark.
The ball rolls to Gerrard. In the excitement, the anxiety, the nerves, the occasion, Gerrard lifts his head, back foot and front foot all at once. He's not looking at the ball, but he does not need to. He does this in his sleep, remember. He's desperate to feed Lucas at double speed, to catch Chelsea off guard. A sucker punch to settle the nerves. To put a hand and four fingers on the title.
He does it all too quickly. The ball, now supporting Manchester City, finds a millimetre gap under his front foot. The brush of a stud would have slowed it. There was no brush of a stud. The turf is zippy.
"They’ve been watering it all day, literally," said Ed Chamberlin.
"It is very slippy! We nearly got washed out a few times doing interviews," said Niall Quinn.
Then panic.
Demba Ba, who had been "feeding off crumbs" [Gary Neville] all afternoon jolts into life, 10 yards from the ball. You can imagine Jose Mourinho telling Ba to harass Liverpool's centre-backs. Skrtel and Sakho are not the best on the ball, after all. But he would have never expected this. Not with Gerrard.
Gerrard's eyebrows are now up with his hairline. So are everyone's. The ball is now two yards away from Gerrard, five away from Ba. The odds are with Gerrard, just.

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Desperate to catch up, slide in, scythe Ba, anything, Gerrard pushes off from his left, studs firmly in the Anfield turf. He's barely finished flicking off from his left when he tries to plant his right, like the back feet of a horse's gallop. Try running like that while bending down at a 45-degree angle. Go on. You will hit the deck nine times out of 10.
And with this, he's off balance. Ba is three yards away.
Anfield is now an ice rink and his right skate barely scrapes the ground. He's in mid-air, gone.
Ba is two yards away.
Ba is one yard away.
Ba is on the ball and Gerrard is barely back on his feet.
Inside Anfield, the only sound you can hear is Chelsea fans. That familiar "Go on!" Otherwise, silence.
Like the red arrows, Sakho, Gerrard and Skrtel are on to Ba. But touch one, two and three are expert.
Simon Mignolet's approach appears textbook. Reduce the gap immediately, stay standing, symmetrical and just inside your area. But it has been criticised. Ba puts it the only place he can: through Mignolet's legs.
"You’re looking at your 'keeper and thinking: 'Come on, win us the league. Make that save that’s going to be a defining moment in the season'," said Jamie Carragher months later.
Even years later, Gary Neville agreed. "I think it’s a scuffed shot from Demba Ba, I don't think he looks confident. It goes in and nobody ever blamed Mignolet for that goal."
Ba celebrates respectfully. Jon Obi Mikel doesn't. Ironically, Mohamed Salah is there in a huddle to congratulate the goalscorer. Mourinho looks smug. It's the most meaningful-meaningless goal of his managerial career. He has history with Liverpool fans.
"It’s typical Mourinho, typical Chelsea," says Neville on co-commentary.
"But it is not typical Gerrard," says Tyler.
It was a slip. The slip. But there was so much more to it.

Premier League titles are decided by an accumulation of thousands of incidents, many equal in weight. Injuries, refereeing decisions, last-minute goals and missed sitters. Most are forgotten.
Remember Dejan Lovren's winner for Southampton at Anfield in September 2013, after he was lucky not to give away a penalty? Or Vito Mannone letting Samir Nasri's shot squirm out of his hands to give Manchester City a point against Sunderland later in the season? No, nor did I until I looked them up just now.
Or Kolo Toure laying on Victor Anichebe to grab a point for West Brom in February 2014? Or Cheick Tiote's contentious disallowed equaliser for Newcastle against City a few weeks before? Nope. Google.
That's what makes Gerrard’s slip so remarkable. Theatrically, it's as perfect as it is unfair.
Just two weeks before, after a 3-2 win over City at Anfield which swung the title race in Liverpool’s favour, Gerrard's post-match speech was picked up by the microphones. That in itself is rare.

After holding back tears of joy, Gerrard gave his rallying cry.
"Hey, this does not f****** slip now. This does not f****** slip. Listen, listen, This is gone. We go Norwich. Exactly the same. We go again. Come on!"
The irony does not need explaining. Nor does Gerrard need reminding.
"I wish I could go back to that day [against City]" Gerrard said in 2017. "If I could rewind the clock that would be the day I would go back to and try and go the other way with a bit of calmness and a bit of realisation where we were at that time.
"It was passion, emotion and it was real and I felt in the moment we did need that. But now, in hindsight, I would probably have gone a bit more calmer and realised who we still had to play."

Premier League table before Liverpool's defeat

After that win, Liverpool sat seven points ahead of City, who had two games in hand. City then drew one of their games in hand against Sunderland, then Liverpool won at Norwich, then City beat West Brom.
At 2.05pm before the Chelsea game, Liverpool were six points ahead of City, who had a game in hand.
By 7pm, it was three points – and a goal difference considerably in City's favour – after they capitalised on Gerrard's slip with a 2-0 win at Palace.

Premier League table after Liverpool defeat and Man City win at Crystal Palace

City won their other game in hand, and in fact all three remaining games, taking the title by two points. That huge slip-up at Selhurst Park was dramatic - Liverpool threw away a three-goal lead and Luis Suarez cried - but it did not change the destination of the title. Sadly for Gerrard, his slip did.
"That was the most difficult day in my life and still is," Gerrard said in 2017. "No matter what happens to me to the day I die that will be the most difficult day of my life because it is difficult to erase it. It was a tough time.

"To this day it still haunts me a bit, it still hurts. I’m the type of person that setbacks drive me on. I won't give up trying to make up for that as long as I live. With the Chelsea one the reason I can’t accept it is because it was bad luck.
"If I had given a pass away or tried a turn and got it wrong or scored an own goal I wouldn’t be able to live with myself or deal with it. When it is a stroke of bad luck I have to get on with it and try to make it amends for it."
Among the expressions in the Kop as Ba scores, one stands out. Look carefully. In the first image, one Liverpool fan has already turned before the ball reaches the net. A flat out denial of what is going on behind them.
Chelsea won 2-0, Willian sealing it late on, prompting Mourinho to run down the touchline like they themselves had won the title. In fact, they were back in it for a moment, but a draw against Norwich a week later killed their chances.
Mourinho saw it differently.
"Our position was the sub-position," he said months later. "That match, for us, meant just professional pride. You have to go for every game and try to win, but we were not in the race. It was just a match that gave the title to Manchester City."
It showed in his team selection. Mourinho made six changes, including replacing Gary Cahill with Kalas, who had previously said he was "a player for training sessions… if they need a cone, they put me there."
But Chelsea packed in, played six defenders, and parked two buses, according to Rodgers. They took their time from minute one.
"Chelsea have done a job on Liverpool," said Neville in co-commentary. "It feels like every five minutes has been planned out meticulously by Jose Mourinho."

Nobody had done more to drag Liverpool into the title race. But after the mistake, Gerrard was reduced to trying speculative efforts from range in an attempt to make up for it.
You can understand his thinking. If one goes in, he's praised for his audacity in the face of impending trauma. But the simple pass was on, again and again.
The post-mortem was instant, and has lasted years.
"I’ve never been able to say this in public before but I was seriously concerned that we thought we could blow Chelsea away," Gerrard said in his 2015 book ‘My Story’. "I sensed an over-confidence in Brendan's team talks. We played into Chelsea's hands. I feared it then and I know it now."
Rodgers replied in 2018. "I don’t think I was more or less confident," he told The Times. "We’d won 11 on the bounce. You want to go in with confidence."

Whether an attempted shift of blame or not, Gerrard felt the full impact of his mistake. In ‘My Story’ he recalls the hours that followed.
"I sat in the back of the car and felt the tears rolling down my face. I hadn't cried for years but, on the way home, I couldn't stop. The tears kept coming. I can't even tell you if the streets were thick with traffic or as empty as I was on the inside. It was killing me.
"I felt numb, like I had lost someone in my family. It was as if my whole quarter of a century at this football club poured out of me. I did not even try to stem the silent tears as the events of the afternoon played over and over again in my head."
The mocking of Gerrard was relentless in the following year. In the same fixture seven months later, a horse by the name of Gerrard’s Slip ran in the 12.40 at Doncaster.
In one of his final games for Liverpool, at Stamford Bridge in May 2015, Chelsea fans did applaud Gerrard as he left the pitch, but the midfielder’s message was clear.
“I was more happy with the ovation from the Liverpool fans. The Chelsea fans showed respect for a couple of seconds for me but slaughtered me all game so I’m not going to get drawn into wishing the Chelsea fans well. It’s nice of them to turn up for once today.”
Liverpool are chasing the crown again, the first since 1990. Only five current Liverpool players were born when they last won it, and only Jordan Henderson, Simon Mignolet and Daniel Sturridge were involved in 2014.
No love has been lost between the two sides, and those inside Anfield on Sunday won’t need reminding of the events of five years ago. Those events, after all, are part of why this is so big for Liverpool.
It's No Mistakes time, but how do you manage that? Truth is, you can't. Be too cautious and the crowd get nervy. Too attacking and Chelsea have the quality to pick you off. Somewhere in-between still comes with its risks.
In reality, the title will come down to moments.
Like John Stones clearing the ball off the line by 11mm after his own clearance had hit his own goalkeeper.
But as historical moments go, Gerrard's slip has its own museum. Liverpool will be hoping it is finally demolished in five weeks' time.
Watch the Super Sunday double-header from 1pm with Crystal Palace vs Man City and Liverpool vs Chelsea on Sky Sports Premier League.
